Lead by example and put child safety first

As previously announced, we are enhancing our Safe from Harm procedures and are calling upon our Adult Volunteers and Rovers to continue to be the leaders we know they are. Let’s show our membership and the communities in which we operate that in Scouting we practice transparent governance and that we are leaders that put child safety first!

While the National Office continues to vet adult volunteers against the National Child Protection database as required by the Children’s Act (No.38 of 2005) as part of our appointments procedure, we are also rolling out the requirement for all Adult volunteers and Rovers within SCOUTS South Africa to supply a Police Clearance (through SAPS) or a Criminal Clearance (through accredited agencies) to SSA’s CEO by emailing policeclearance@scouts.org.za

Adult Volunteers & Rovers have 3 options:

  1. Apply for a Police Clearance through a local Police Station, and then send it to policeclearance@scouts.org.za. (This takes  approx. 4 months)
  2. Apply through an accredited verification agency who would send the Criminal Clearance to the person it refers to. This then needs to be forwarded to policeclearance@scouts.org.za.
  3. Apply through the accredited verification agency Nevetec, with whom SSA has a partnership.
    Events will be hosted Regionally to collect the data for Nevetec verifications. Once the events are announced, members need to pre-register and attend the event in person. Check with your Regional Office or on the National new blog for current prices. On the day, they will sign a consent form, their fingerprints and data would be uploaded on the system and their ID will be scanned. Nevetec then conducts the verification independently and sends the document to policeclearance@scouts.org.za. Personal copies can be requested within 24 hours of fingerprints being scanned by emailing policeclearance@scouts.org.za. Once the results are received, they will be forwarded.
  • Deadline for submissions is 30 June 2022