Revised Members Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy

As a youth organisation it is important to hold each other accountable for our actions so we can lead by example and live our Scout Promise and Law.

Nearly all our members are well behaved, remembering their Promise and Law, all the time, but unfortunately there are occasionally some lapses which need to be addressed.

To help us all to be accountable, we have our Member Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy. The Code sets out what we expect, while the Policy outlines how to address possible misconduct or unacceptable behaviour by members and how to deal with issues quickly in a fair and open manner.

The Member Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy which has been in use was first published 5 years ago, with an amendment in 2016. The Policy has served us well in holding each other accountable but is no longer aligned with current Best Practices and Procedures.

The Member Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy has now been substantially revised.

Previously, the procedures that addressed how to deal with grievances and disciplining Adults, Rovers and Youth were annexures to the Policy Document. They have now also been revised and are published separately as “Practice Notes”. These “Practice Notes” contain SSA’s Best Practice at the time and should always be followed. If deviations are necessary, the rationale should be recorded.

In addition to clear Procedures in the Practice Notes there are diagrams to illustrate the process to be followed. These and the various forms which have been updated are published separately for your convenience.

For queries please contact the Chair: National Adult Resources, Joy Hutchinson at or SSA’s Chief Commissioner, Andrew Tanner at