Debbie Robertson is the Troop Scouter of the recently established Southern Wolves Scout Troop in Alberton. They participated for the first time in the Gauteng Kontiki which took place from 12 -14 May 2017. After the event Debbie asked her Scouts to write up short stories about the adventure that was Kontiki “Let’s Build” Check out her ‘two winning entries’:
By Alexia Vorias (Age 11)
“Super proud of what we achieved!”

Tanika, Schylar and Alexia (front)
Although I am a new scout, I was very excited to have the opportunity to attend Kontiki at Arrowe Park this year. The excitement from myself and the rest of the Scouts was crazy, and most of us had packed our kits days before the camp was due to start.
We were told by Sailor, our Group Scouter, that we should be prepared for hard work, and that we would be scored daily on various activities and challenges during our stay.
On the day we left for Kontiki, it rained and continued to rain for most of the weekend. There was mud everywhere! We had to set up tents, make sure they were aligned, put together our entrance gate, assemble our table and make sure our mess kits were organised. Our patrols took it in turns to cook food, wash dishes, fetch water and make sure our campsite was clean and tidy at all times. It was great FUN!
The Opening Parade on Saturday morning was awesome. All the scouts got together and we looked so smart in our uniforms and scarves. Our troop did not enter the raft challenge, but we did get to compete for the best campsite, in the cooking challenge, the spare time activity and the Beaver Challenge. Unfortunately, due to the rain, we couldn’t do the Beaver Challenge.
The theme for this year was Lego, so we needed to ensure we carried the theme throughout the campsite. It was such fun watching the other troops build and launch their rafts, I look forward to building our own next year! On Sunday we had to sadly strike our camp and leave Kontiki.
The best part about the weekend for me was all the teamwork, learning new and interesting ways to do things when on camp, but most of all, I’m super proud that our Southern Wolves achieved 7th place for the supporters’ challenge!
By Tanika Roux (Age 12), PL – Elephant Patrol
Kontiki taught us how to stand together as a troop
Kontiki is one of the most important annual gatherings, where all the registered scouts in Gauteng meet. Each group is given activities to participate in – cooking, rafting and team-building. My favorite was the cooking competition!
Kontiki taught us how to stand together as a troop. The best part for me was watching how the rafts are built. It was even enjoyable to set up our tents in the rain!
I am very proud to be part of the Southern Wolves, and I think everyone should join Scouts.